Instructions for authors


Presentations: Please email your presentations (pdf or ppt, anything else at your own risk) to us the day before your talk. If you have further modifications, please bring them on a stick to load during a break before your session.


Flash+poster talks: Flash talks include a poster, so please bring a poster with you if you have a flash talk! Here are the details: poster boards are a smooth hard material (1m wide by 2m tall), and we will give adhesive velcro to hang your posters. For this reason, please bring a paper poster. The board dimensions are 1m wide by ~1,5m tall. A0 size will be just fine, but you’re free to print at any dimension that fits. Please hang your poster for the full three days if possible. At the time of flash talks, there will be no time for feedback, so please invite people to meet you at your poster to discuss. Posters are strategically placed in the same room as coffee and lunch catering.


Your materials: HMMWG usually posts materials such as papers, presentations, posters, etc from your talks on the website. Here are last year’s materials: 

We ask you to share any materials you’d like to post with us after the conference has concluded.


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