Venue and other information

All information you can find also on the last page of our Preliminary programm


Conference venue:

Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Main building

Budapest, II. district, Keleti Károly utca 5-7.

Direction: The main building is 2 minute walk from the tram station “Mechwart liget”. Tram lines 4 and 6 is to take. From the station, please walk having a small park (Mechwart liget) on your right.

Tram lines 4 and 6 encompass the inner city. Any accommodation close to the tram lines 4 or 6 would be comfortable.


Transportation from the airport:


Citytaxi: (+36 1) 211 1111

Fötaxi: (+36 1) 222 2222

​Taxi 6×6: (+36 1) 666 6666

Minibus: Collects 5-7 passengers and transport them to the exact address, thought it might takes some times while your address comes on. 6 EUR


Public transport:

100E a direct bus to inner city (Deák tér), 2200 HUF, approximately 30 minutes

200E regular bus, at “Kőbánya-Kispest” where connected to metro line 2 (to Deák tér), approximately 50 minutes, (2x350HUF)

The last version is recommended, since the direct bus is often crowded.

Budapest pass for 24 h : 2500 HUF , usually very useful

Ticket can be bought form purple boxes at the airport, too.


Information for authors of oral presentations and posters:

Oral presentation:

  • there is around 25 min for each paper, we would like to devote enough time to discussion. The presentation could be sent in advance, please, always specify whether your presentation could be shared online.


  • for printed posters, please consider this dimension: 90 cm is the maximum width, 130 cm is the maximum height. Please email the posters presented online by September 19th. If you have a poster in printed form and present it on-site, you also have the option to send the poster electronically and it would be placed on the website.
  • we wanted to ask the online participants presenting the poster to prepare a very short video (maximum 2-3 minutes) with a brief presentation of the poster and the topic. Please send us the video as a direct link (on YouTube, on Google Disc, etc.). The video will be available to all participants and they will be notified about it. This gives you the opportunity to draw more attention to your topic and motivate others to discuss it. It is possible to discuss online posters in writing or orally online during the poster session or breaks. We would like to ask the online poster presenting participants to be online at the time of the poster session.
  • personal participants of the poster session will be given a space of approx. 2 minutes for a quick presentation of their topic and poster at the beginning of the poster section. If they are interested in sending a video, they can of course also do so.

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