Materials from the workshop

Day 1

Title Material(s)
Anna Oksuzyan
 Is it better to intermarry? Immigration background of married couples and health among immigrant and native‑born persons in Sweden and Denmark Presentation
Erika Valero, Amaia Bacigalupe, Unai Martin, Roberta Rutigliano Mental Load: An Invisible Dimension of Reproductive Work with Significant Implications for Mental Health Presentation
Jelena Epping, Juliane Tetzlaff Healthier at work for longer? Trends in life years free of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases in the employed and general population based on health insurance claims data Presentation
Andrea Cabezas-Rodríguez, Amaia Bacigalupe

Gender Inequalities in the medicalization of mental health among the elderly population in Europe

Lukáš Kahoun Effect of holding in sickness and in health: The potential for changes in the demand for healthcare regarding changes in the population structure by partner status Presentation
Angelo Lorenti, Filomena Racioppi, Alessandra De Rose Volunteering during early retirement years reduces depression Presentation
Patrick Deboosere, Sylvie Gadeyne, Laura Van den Borre  Inequalities in COVID-19 mortality in Belgium by socio-economic status and by nationality of origin Presentation
Aldo Rosano, Stefano Marchetti, Luisa Frova, Gabriella Sebastiani, Paola Di Filippo,
Lucilla Scarnicchia, Alessandro Solipaca
An estimate of life expectancy of persons
with disability in Italy
Erika Valero, Mireia Utzet, Unai Martín Paid work and domestic work: how do their conditions affect women’s mental health? Presentation
Vladimir Kozlov Gender health paradox and pandemic shock. The differences between European countries and their explanation based on the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) Presentation
Michala Lustigová, Ivana Kulhánová, Ivana Vansáčová Educational inequalities in self-rated health in 15 European countries: a time trend analyses based on the European Social Survey 2002–2020 Poster
Jon Anson A Sextic Representation of the Mortlity Curve Presentation
Xianhua Zai, Peng Li, Luca Dei Bardi, Kaarina Korhonen, Margherita Moretti, Mikko
Myrskylä, Pekka Martikainen
Disparities of cancer incidence, stage at diagnosis, treatments, and mortality across different socioeconomic stratifications in Finland  Presentation
Aapo Hiilamo Poverty effects of chronic health conditions in Europe – heterogeneity by demographic and socioeconomic subgroups  Presentation
András Wéber Visualization of half a century’s Hungarian cancer mortality dynamics on Lexis surfaces, 1970-2020  Presentation
Alyson van Raalte, Tim Riffe, Christian Dudel LIFEINEQ: An R-package to serve all of your Lifespan Inequality estimation needs Presentation
Tim Riffe DemoDecomp: An R-package of generalized demographic decomposition methods Presentation
Enrique Pérez-Miguel, Sergi Trias-Llimós Regional and educational inequalities in Cardiovascular mortality in Spain and the role of well-established risk factors Presentation
Rustam Tursun-zade, Unai Martin, Tim Riffe Small area health estimates in the Basque Country Presentation
Jacob Martin, Carlo Giovanni Camarda Modeling age-space mortality dynamics in small areas Presentation


Day 2

Title Material(s)
Anthony Medford The association between the Referral to Treatment backlog andall-cause mortality in England Presentation
Isabella Marinetti, Dmitri Jdanov, Domantas Jasilionis, Marília Nepomuceno, FannyJanssen Impact of seasonality on mortality trends in Europe09 Presentation
Jeroen Spijker, Paula Castro-Prieto The prevalence of chronic diseases according toBody Mass Index categories and integerJeroen Presentation
Vinod Joseph, Risto Conte Keivabu, Raya Muttarak, Stefano Mazzuco Harvesting effect and extreme temperature-related mortality factors Presentation
Sergi Trias-Llimós, Jordi Gumà, Aïda Solé-Auró, Iñaki Permanyer Mortality risks and prevalence at death of key medical factors Presentation
Adrian Kunz, Adrien Remund, Karsten Hank Investigating differences in Healthy Life Ecpectancy (HLE) between migrants and natives in Germany using Multistate Lifetables Presentation
Silvia Loi Migration and health inequalities over the life-course: an intersectionalperspective Presentation
Juris Krumins, Kristine Lece Death and Emigration of Parents: Insight IntoDevelopment of Families With ChildrenDay Presentation
Magali Barbieri, Aline Désesquelles, France Meslé, Francesco Grippo, Luisa Frova, Marilena Pappagallo, Viviana Egidi, Sergi Trias-Llimós
Multi-morbidity at death and
the US shortfall in life expectancy
Iñaki Permanyer, Jordi Gumà, Sergi Trias Llimós, Aïda Solé Auró Multimorbidity dynamics in
Catalonia 2010-2021:
A population-based cohort study
Enrique Acosta, Katarina Matthes, Carlo-Giovanni Camarda, David Prieto-Merino An approach for cause-specific decomposition of mortality disturbances: Applicationto the COVID-19 pandemic Presentation
Suryakant Yadav, Dilip TR, Chandan Kumar, Ajay Kumar, Solveig ArgeseanuCunningham, Udaya S. Mishra, Neha Sri, Himanshu Jaiswal Does Diversity in Causesof Death explain advances in epidemiological transition: a decomposition analysisusing Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 in seven regions of world with focus onSouth Asia (India), East Asia, USA, UK and High-Income countries 1990–2021 Presentation
Magali Barbieri, Nadine Ouellette, Nicholas Reynolds, Tim Riffe, Celeste Winant WinantFrom the cardiovascular revolution to the cancer transition: 80 years of mortalitychange across US statesMagali Presentation
Pragya Taneja, Pratap Mohanty Univeiling the Nexus: Polymorbidity and Healthcare Accessibility amog Pre-elderly and Elderly Population in India Presentation
Carlo Giovanni Camarda, France Meslé, Arianna Caporali, Svitlana Poniakina,Laurent Toussaint, Jacques Vallin, Jean-Marie Robine Mortality above age 105. Newdata, new modelsEnrique Presentation
Laszlo Nemeth, Domantas Jasilionis, Filipe Ribeiro, Dmitri Jdanov Challenges for monitoring sub-national longevity disparities: the case of Portugal Presentation
Denise Marques, Igor Augusto Tadeu de Souza, Marcos Damasceno Filling Gaps: AMethodological Proposal to Estimate Life Expectancy at Birth in the Regions of MinasGerais, Brazil Presentation
Katalin Kovács Trajectories of mortality inequalities in Europe, searching for newmeasures of inequalities Presentation
Sara Cruces-Salguero, Igor Larrañaga, Javier and Ander Matheu Descriptiveanalysis of centenarians’ characteristics from the Basque populationDay Presentation
Ameed Saabneh Spatial and ethno-national health inequalities: Morbidity andmortality gaps between Palestinians and Jews in Israel Presentation
Fabian Tetzlaff, Jens Hoebel Analysing the socioeconomic gap in life expectancy inGermany – current results and new perspectives Presentation
Julia Klein, Martin Kolk, Jan Saarela Mortality by religious affiliation in two nativeethnolinguistic groups: Life expectancy of Finnish- and Swedish-speaking Finns 1972–2023 Presentation
Kaarina Reini, Martin Kolk, Jan Saarela Religious change and mental disorders in young adulthood: evidence from Finnish population register data Presentation

Day 3

Title Material(s)
Zachary van Winkle The cost of widowhood for older adults’ economic wellbeing and mental health: Matching studies of process and event Presentation
Bety Ukolova Mortality Disparities Among European Women by Number of Children
Ever Born
Anna Barbuscia, Amaia Bacigalupe, Unai Martin, Roberta Rutigliano Gender
inequalities in the association between parenthood and health
Wiktoria Wróblewska The childbearing intentions and the health of women of reproductive age Presentation
Astri Syse, Nina-Høy-Petersen, Rannveig K. Hart Life-threatening Illness in a Partner: A mixed-methods study of Implications for Health, Welfare Uptake and Labor Market Efforts Presentation
Elisa Tambellini, Mirkka Danielsbacka, Anna Rotkirch Changes in Subjective Wellbeing during the Transition to Widowhood for Men and Women: Does the Social Network Buffer the Effect? Presentation
Giampaolo Lanzieri Developing EU statistics on long-term care Presentation
Margherita Moretti, Kaarina Korhonen, Alyson van Raalte, Tim Riffe, Pekka Martikainen Three decades of widowhood lifespan in Finland and its inequalities Presentation
Amanda Martins de Almeida, Cosmo Strozza, Elisenda Rentería Children’s educational attainment and parental mortality in Chile Presentation

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