Materials from the workshop
Day 1
Author(s) |
Title | Material(s) |
Anna Oksuzyan |
Is it better to intermarry? Immigration background of married couples and health among immigrant and native‑born persons in Sweden and Denmark | Presentation |
Erika Valero, Amaia Bacigalupe, Unai Martin, Roberta Rutigliano | Mental Load: An Invisible Dimension of Reproductive Work with Significant Implications for Mental Health | Presentation |
Jelena Epping, Juliane Tetzlaff | Healthier at work for longer? Trends in life years free of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases in the employed and general population based on health insurance claims data | Presentation |
Andrea Cabezas-Rodríguez, Amaia Bacigalupe |
Gender Inequalities in the medicalization of mental health among the elderly population in Europe |
Presentation |
Lukáš Kahoun | Effect of holding in sickness and in health: The potential for changes in the demand for healthcare regarding changes in the population structure by partner status | Presentation |
Angelo Lorenti, Filomena Racioppi, Alessandra De Rose | Volunteering during early retirement years reduces depression | Presentation |
Patrick Deboosere, Sylvie Gadeyne, Laura Van den Borre | Inequalities in COVID-19 mortality in Belgium by socio-economic status and by nationality of origin | Presentation |
Aldo Rosano, Stefano Marchetti, Luisa Frova, Gabriella Sebastiani, Paola Di Filippo, Lucilla Scarnicchia, Alessandro Solipaca |
An estimate of life expectancy of persons with disability in Italy |
Presentation |
Erika Valero, Mireia Utzet, Unai Martín | Paid work and domestic work: how do their conditions affect women’s mental health? | Presentation |
Vladimir Kozlov | Gender health paradox and pandemic shock. The differences between European countries and their explanation based on the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) | Presentation |
Michala Lustigová, Ivana Kulhánová, Ivana Vansáčová | Educational inequalities in self-rated health in 15 European countries: a time trend analyses based on the European Social Survey 2002–2020 | Poster |
Jon Anson | A Sextic Representation of the Mortlity Curve | Presentation |
Xianhua Zai, Peng Li, Luca Dei Bardi, Kaarina Korhonen, Margherita Moretti, Mikko Myrskylä, Pekka Martikainen |
Disparities of cancer incidence, stage at diagnosis, treatments, and mortality across different socioeconomic stratifications in Finland | Presentation |
Aapo Hiilamo | Poverty effects of chronic health conditions in Europe – heterogeneity by demographic and socioeconomic subgroups | Presentation |
András Wéber | Visualization of half a century’s Hungarian cancer mortality dynamics on Lexis surfaces, 1970-2020 | Presentation |
Alyson van Raalte, Tim Riffe, Christian Dudel | LIFEINEQ: An R-package to serve all of your Lifespan Inequality estimation needs | Presentation |
Tim Riffe | DemoDecomp: An R-package of generalized demographic decomposition methods | Presentation |
Enrique Pérez-Miguel, Sergi Trias-Llimós | Regional and educational inequalities in Cardiovascular mortality in Spain and the role of well-established risk factors | Presentation |
Rustam Tursun-zade, Unai Martin, Tim Riffe | Small area health estimates in the Basque Country | Presentation |
Jacob Martin, Carlo Giovanni Camarda | Modeling age-space mortality dynamics in small areas | Presentation |
Day 2
Author(s) |
Title | Material(s) |
Anthony Medford | The association between the Referral to Treatment backlog andall-cause mortality in England | Presentation |
Isabella Marinetti, Dmitri Jdanov, Domantas Jasilionis, Marília Nepomuceno, FannyJanssen | Impact of seasonality on mortality trends in Europe09 | Presentation |
Jeroen Spijker, Paula Castro-Prieto | The prevalence of chronic diseases according toBody Mass Index categories and integerJeroen | Presentation |
Vinod Joseph, Risto Conte Keivabu, Raya Muttarak, Stefano Mazzuco | Harvesting effect and extreme temperature-related mortality factors | Presentation |
Sergi Trias-Llimós, Jordi Gumà, Aïda Solé-Auró, Iñaki Permanyer | Mortality risks and prevalence at death of key medical factors | Presentation |
Adrian Kunz, Adrien Remund, Karsten Hank | Investigating differences in Healthy Life Ecpectancy (HLE) between migrants and natives in Germany using Multistate Lifetables | Presentation |
Silvia Loi | Migration and health inequalities over the life-course: an intersectionalperspective | Presentation |
Juris Krumins, Kristine Lece | Death and Emigration of Parents: Insight IntoDevelopment of Families With ChildrenDay | Presentation |
Magali Barbieri, Aline Désesquelles, France Meslé, Francesco Grippo, Luisa Frova, Marilena Pappagallo, Viviana Egidi, Sergi Trias-Llimós |
Multi-morbidity at death and the US shortfall in life expectancy |
Presentation |
Iñaki Permanyer, Jordi Gumà, Sergi Trias Llimós, Aïda Solé Auró | Multimorbidity dynamics in Catalonia 2010-2021: A population-based cohort study |
Presentation |
Enrique Acosta, Katarina Matthes, Carlo-Giovanni Camarda, David Prieto-Merino | An approach for cause-specific decomposition of mortality disturbances: Applicationto the COVID-19 pandemic | Presentation |
Suryakant Yadav, Dilip TR, Chandan Kumar, Ajay Kumar, Solveig ArgeseanuCunningham, Udaya S. Mishra, Neha Sri, Himanshu Jaiswal | Does Diversity in Causesof Death explain advances in epidemiological transition: a decomposition analysisusing Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 in seven regions of world with focus onSouth Asia (India), East Asia, USA, UK and High-Income countries 1990–2021 | Presentation |
Magali Barbieri, Nadine Ouellette, Nicholas Reynolds, Tim Riffe, Celeste Winant | WinantFrom the cardiovascular revolution to the cancer transition: 80 years of mortalitychange across US statesMagali | Presentation |
Pragya Taneja, Pratap Mohanty | Univeiling the Nexus: Polymorbidity and Healthcare Accessibility amog Pre-elderly and Elderly Population in India | Presentation |
Carlo Giovanni Camarda, France Meslé, Arianna Caporali, Svitlana Poniakina,Laurent Toussaint, Jacques Vallin, Jean-Marie Robine | Mortality above age 105. Newdata, new modelsEnrique | Presentation |
Laszlo Nemeth, Domantas Jasilionis, Filipe Ribeiro, Dmitri Jdanov | Challenges for monitoring sub-national longevity disparities: the case of Portugal | Presentation |
Denise Marques, Igor Augusto Tadeu de Souza, Marcos Damasceno | Filling Gaps: AMethodological Proposal to Estimate Life Expectancy at Birth in the Regions of MinasGerais, Brazil | Presentation |
Katalin Kovács | Trajectories of mortality inequalities in Europe, searching for newmeasures of inequalities | Presentation |
Sara Cruces-Salguero, Igor Larrañaga, Javier and Ander Matheu | Descriptiveanalysis of centenarians’ characteristics from the Basque populationDay | Presentation |
Ameed Saabneh | Spatial and ethno-national health inequalities: Morbidity andmortality gaps between Palestinians and Jews in Israel | Presentation |
Fabian Tetzlaff, Jens Hoebel | Analysing the socioeconomic gap in life expectancy inGermany – current results and new perspectives | Presentation |
Julia Klein, Martin Kolk, Jan Saarela | Mortality by religious affiliation in two nativeethnolinguistic groups: Life expectancy of Finnish- and Swedish-speaking Finns 1972–2023 | Presentation |
Kaarina Reini, Martin Kolk, Jan Saarela | Religious change and mental disorders in young adulthood: evidence from Finnish population register data | Presentation |
Day 3
Author(s) |
Title | Material(s) |
Zachary van Winkle | The cost of widowhood for older adults’ economic wellbeing and mental health: Matching studies of process and event | Presentation |
Bety Ukolova | Mortality Disparities Among European Women by Number of Children Ever Born |
Presentation |
Anna Barbuscia, Amaia Bacigalupe, Unai Martin, Roberta Rutigliano | Gender inequalities in the association between parenthood and health |
Presentation |
Wiktoria Wróblewska | The childbearing intentions and the health of women of reproductive age | Presentation |
Astri Syse, Nina-Høy-Petersen, Rannveig K. Hart | Life-threatening Illness in a Partner: A mixed-methods study of Implications for Health, Welfare Uptake and Labor Market Efforts | Presentation |
Elisa Tambellini, Mirkka Danielsbacka, Anna Rotkirch | Changes in Subjective Wellbeing during the Transition to Widowhood for Men and Women: Does the Social Network Buffer the Effect? | Presentation |
Giampaolo Lanzieri | Developing EU statistics on long-term care | Presentation |
Margherita Moretti, Kaarina Korhonen, Alyson van Raalte, Tim Riffe, Pekka Martikainen | Three decades of widowhood lifespan in Finland and its inequalities | Presentation |
Amanda Martins de Almeida, Cosmo Strozza, Elisenda Rentería | Children’s educational attainment and parental mortality in Chile | Presentation |